Raise your voice for those who in raising theirs are beaten, jailed, or shot.
1) Call for an end to U.S. funding for the Honduran security forces
ACTION: If your member of Congress has not supported the Berta Caceres Act, call or email his/her office and ask for that support. The congressional switchboard can connect you to the office: (202) 224-3121 To locate your Member on-line: U.S. House of Representatives: www.house.gov.
2) Tell your friends and contacts about the situation in Honduras
ACTION: Join our Tweet Storm as we make periodic calls for justice for those killed while protesting for the right to free and fair elections. Follow us on Twitter at @FPIF.
3) Call for an end to international finance institute loans to Honduras meant to support industries that are damaging the social fabric, displacing communities, and destroying the environment.
As Global Witness writes in its 2017 report, “Almost 90 percent of the Inter-American Development Bank’s loans to Honduras are to finance energy, trade, and modernization. . . .Given the current context of corruption and human rights abuses, it would be irresponsible for foreign companies to increase operations in the Honduran industries at the center of violations against activists, namely mining, hydroelectric, logging, agribusiness, and tourism.”
ACTION: Write to the International Finance Corporation, which is the private investment wing of the World Bank. Send a copy of your letter to:
International Finance Corporation Chief Executive Officer Phillipe LeHouerou: plehouerou@ifc.org
State Department Desk Officer Olivia Franken: FrankenOM@state.gov